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Life Change Wizard Coaching

  • A monthly service that puts you in touch with Kenton Knepper
  • Work one on one with Kenton Knepper on your own unique transformation

What would you really like to change in your life right now?

Need more clarity? More direction? Less angst and anxiety? Happier, more fulfilling relationships? Increased health, wellness and serenity? A greater feeling of worth and wealth?

More magic?

You don’t need life coaching.

You need life changing.


Yes, there’s certainly a place for life coaching. You’ve probably considered it yourself and maybe even tried it. It may have helped you… to a point.

But now you really need to break through barriers that still block your progress, and deal with deep issues that still keep you stuck. You need to create vital, lasting transformation.

And you can.

There’s a public and a private Kenton Knepper. Watch this 17-minute documentary to see a little about both, then let’s look at how I can help you begin the real change you want in your life.



My clients call me their Life Change Wizard.

As you saw in the documentary, most people who have witnessed my magical performances around the world over the years have seen me present the appearance of transformation. You know, like changing a Two of Diamonds into a King of Spades. Or a silver coin into a gold one.


But behind the scenes…

Well, behind the scenes I’ve been quietly helping private clients create real transformations in their lives, through a variety of techniques I’ll share with you in a moment. We get into real life, real world issues. Even such life-or-death matters as sobriety, grief, and suicide.


True life-changing stuff.

It’s kind of like what some people call life coaching.

But it’s more than that.


You see, deep under the surface of “performance magic” are its underpinnings: reality versus appearances, hypnosis and suggestion, imagination, energy and vibrations, symbolism, other esoteric principles, and the harmonic healing powers of music, meditation and mindfulness. 


I’ve exhaustively studied these matters. IThey are some of the insights, tools, and techniques I use to help my clients transform their lives.

Then there’s all the exploration I’ve done to overcome my own demons in life. We all have them. But we can’t overcome them alone.

And in these times, we need help more than ever.


That’s why I finally agreed that it’s time to take my private work public.

Yep, Kenton the musician-magician-educator is also “Kenton the Life Change Wizard”.

And I’m here to help you (and your family, friends and colleagues) literally change your life for the better starting now.

Ready? Or just curious? To get started simply click the “join” button at the top of this page, or keep reading.


Good. Welcome. Because you are reading this, you’ve ALREADY taken an important first step forward to changing your life for the better.

Now your second step is simple: Honor yourself for your willingness to seek solutions. Congratulate yourself for opening up to new possibilities. And celebrate your first “win.”

Your third step is also simple. All you have to do is read about how I work with people and consider whether you’d like to have me work with you, too.

If so, I’d be honored.


We start with a three month program where we assess where you are, where you want to be, and what’s been holding you back. You pay the fee below per month as stated below.


I’ll put together a customized plan of interventions especially for you that may include a combination of:


    •    Esoteric Energetics

    •    Subtle Symbolism

    •    Personality Readings

    •    Intentional Reprogramming

    •    Special Language Influence

    •    Vibrational Massage

    •    Autonomic Motor Response Reprogramming

    •    Mudronics

    •    Liminal and Subliminal Adjustment

    •    Multiple energy alignment and atunement

    •    Mindfulness, Meditations and mantras

    •    Sound and frequency modalities

    •    Karmic release

    •    Leveraged affirmation


It’s a multi-sensory, multi-modality, multi-tool approach to transformation at deep conscious and unconscious levels that gives you more clarity, more understanding, and more confidence in taking charge of your life and your future, so that you can make the immediate and the long-term changes required to achieve the increased feelings of serenity and well-being you deserve.


We will talk three to four times a month for approximately an hour each session, and you will also enjoy email access to me personally between our calls to answer your questions, and support your ongoing transformational work. 


Everything is completely confidential and nothing is off limits. As your “Life Change Wizard” you can confide in me about real life, real world issues.

And—although I have been doing this work privately for decades—this is the first time I’ve offered it publicly, so I’ve decided to price it especially affordably as a kind of introductory offering. This program today is $497 per month for three months, or only $1,220 for the three months, if prepaid. If you consider that my unique Bowlvana sessions are $150 for 45 minutes, and if you understand that my private clientele invests a great deal more than that for the transformations they achieve, I’m sure you’ll agree that this is certainly of tremendous value to you for a small exchange of commerce.


Of course, since this is an introductory offering I can’t promise how long this pricing will be available to you, so I advise you to get started by clicking the “join” button at the top of this page.


Again, congratulations on taking your first steps forward to changing your life for the better. I’ll be honored to work together with you as your “Life Change Wizard.”

It’s time to live up to the wonder that is within you.


To get started, click the button. If you wish to talk first, you can book a ten minute consultation by clicking here and stating that you want to book a quick session to determine if you are ready for this unique program.

Tags spiritual, growth, help, transform, transformation
Media Type Digital Lesson